Facelift Aftercare ✔️ The Best Aftercare Tips


Facelift aftercare is very effective in reducing facelift complications, speeding up the healing process, and reducing your recovery time. The skin is the largest organ of your body that protects you from pathogens. Also, if the amount of skin lifting is high, the healing of scars and sutures needs more care and attention. You need to help the skin regenerate itself well.


Facelift aftercare


Remember a summary of facelift aftercare:

After the facelift, to achieve the best results and avoid possible problems, each person must follow the tips provided by the best plastic surgeon in Dubai. If you have chosen the best plastic surgery clinic in Dubai, the surgeon will inform you of the main care you should take after the facelift. The numbers of aftercare recommendations are:

  • Adequate rest is necessary after surgery.
  • It is necessary to avoid intense activities.
  • Avoid going to the pool and bathtub for 4 to 6 weeks.
  • The time to return to work depends on the postoperative conditions.
  • It is effective to use pineapple to reduce swelling and bruising.
  • Swelling is reduced by placing the head higher than the body level.
  • Alcohol and smoking are prohibited for at least 4 weeks.
  • Keeping the wound clean and checking it prevents infection.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun and tanning.
  • To cover the bruises, it is possible to make up the face after 7 days after the operation.
  • It is necessary to use the medicines prescribed by the doctor to prevent infection.
  • Walking slowly reduces swelling and also reduces the formation of blood clots.
  • 48 hours after the facelift, it is possible to take a shower, but carefully clean the area around the stitches.
  • Avoid vigorous activities such as vigorous sports and lifting heavy objects.
  • Avoid using medicines such as aspirin and similar medicines in coordination with your doctor.
  • Pay attention to the use of food, it is better to use watery and boiled food and avoid chewing food.

Swelling after facelift surgery

One of the facelift aftercare, which plays a role in the appearance of surgical results as quickly as possible, is related to facial swelling. Usually, after lift surgery, pain, bruising, and swelling in the stitched area and around it are normal. Your doctor will usually prescribe medications such as pain relievers and antibiotics to help control pain and prevent infection after surgery.

Using hot and cold compresses to reduce swelling and bruising:

To reduce swelling and bruising, there are usually different methods in the facelift aftercare instructions, including the use of hot and cold compresses. Cold compresses can usually be used to reduce bruising in the first three days after lift surgery. Then, for the next three days, he used a warm compress to reduce the remaining swelling.

However, it should be noted that complete healing of the bruise may take a week or two. Also, depending on the type of surgery and the location of the lift, the swelling needs between 4 and 8 weeks to resolve.

According to the facelift aftercare tips, to use a cold compress, you can put some ice in a plastic bag and then wrap it in a towel. Then put the towel on the skin so that it cold reaches the skin. You can also wet a towel with water and place it in the refrigerator and then place it on the skin. Do this every hour for 10 minutes.

To use a warm compress, heat a towel on a heater and then place it on the swollen and bruised area. Be careful that the temperature of the towel or hot compress does not exceed a certain limit. Since the skin may be numb for some time after the surgery, there is a possibility of a slight skin burn without you being aware of it. Continue the warm compress every hour for 10 minutes.

Removing sutures

In terms of facelift aftercare, it should be said that if absorbable sutures were used in the face-lift, there is no need to remove them. If non-absorbable sutures are used, the sutures are removed between 7 and 10 days after the operation. Of course, contrary to public opinion, this process is usually done without any pain or problems and there is no need for fear or worry.

Facelift aftercare – rest after facial skin tightening surgery

After facelift surgery, usually, 4 to 7 days of rest are required. Of course, your surgery may not be so severe and you can slowly return to your daily activities after 2 to 3 days, but it is usually recommended to rest for 4 days and refrain from any heavy, fast, and long activities.

Normally, if your facelift surgery is done in the morning, you will be discharged from the hospital before night. A companion must accompany you home and stay with you for 24 hours.

If there are no special problems such as unusual pain or abnormal and excessive bleeding, after a day or two you will be able to do all your work yourself and you will not need to bring it along. However, if there is a serious problem, you should contact the best facelift surgeon in Dubai as soon as possible.

Pain during the recovery period after face skin lifting, absolute rest, and immobility as one of the facelift aftercares are not recommended at all. It is better to have a little movement after 2 or 3 days and walk slowly for a few hours a day. This helps to remove blood and secretions from the lift site and reduce swelling. Inactivity and lying down all day help to form blood clots, which is very dangerous.

Facelift aftercare – How to sleep after a facelift

When sleeping, it is better to keep the head slightly higher than the body. For this purpose, you can place some soft pillows under your head. Sleeping on the sides usually does not cause a problem. This process is better to continue until the wounds heal and the skin swelling decreases.

Showering instructions after facelift

Another facelift aftercare tip is related to how to bathe after surgery. In general, you should not take a bath for three days after surgery. During these three days, to keep the skin clean, you must be very careful that water does not touch the stitches. The reason for banning bathing is that the contact of water with the place of stitches increases the possibility of contamination entering the wound and causing infection.

 You can use a towel or a wet wipe to clean your body. If the lift is on your face, you can wash your body alone without getting your head and face wet, with the help of another person.

After 3 days, when you go to the bathroom, try not to get the sutures wet or directly under water pressure. This aftercare are necessary until the sutures are pulled and to ensure that the wounds are healed. Washing with antibacterial soaps will also help prevent infection. The best plastic surgeon in Dubai will tell you the right time to take a bath after the surgery.

What to eat after a facelift?

  1. One of the main concerns of people after facelift surgery is proper nutrition. In the facelift aftercare instructions, it is emphasized that you should generally avoid eating any irritating and allergenic foods.
  2. As much as possible, avoid eating new foods that you haven’t tried before and don’t know how they affect your body.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids; Both water and fresh and natural juices. After surgery, your body usually loses a lot of water and needs a lot of fluids to restore itself. Also, eating fresh fruits and vegetables can be very beneficial.
  4. Pineapple and kiwi fruits are effective in healing scars as soon as possible. Of course, pay attention to consuming fresh pineapple fruit, not its processed compote.
  5. Shrimp and fish are also effective in your faster healing process. Of course, it is better to consume it boiled and avoid eating fried food.
  6. It is also very important to control your salt intake and eat your foods without salt or with a very little salt as much as possible. Reduce the consumption of spices.
  7. Keep in mind that smoking and alcohol consumption are prohibited for one month after the surgery.
  8. Also, avoid taking aspirin and anticoagulants as well as anti-allergic drugs for two weeks.

Avoid sunlight

During the facelift aftercare period, direct exposure to sunlight can be harmful to your skin. Therefore, you should avoid exposing your face to excessive sunlight for at least one month. These daily skin care tips remind you that while vitamin D absorption is important, too much is dangerous.

According to the best plastic surgeon in Dubai, after surgery, the area of ​​your facial incisions should not be exposed to direct sunlight for at least six months. Sunlight on your facial incisions can cause these areas to darken. It can also increase the time of post-operative instruction for you.

Make sure you use sunscreen to protect these areas of your face. A cream with an SPF of 30 can provide adequate protection without clogging your pores, which need to stay clean during your recovery.

For added protection, wear a hat and sunglasses

Facelift aftercare – Activity and exercise after facelift

  • Do not push yourself during the recovery period after a facelift. Instead of rushing back to your regular exercise habits, rest for at least 14 days after your surgery before engaging in strenuous activity.
  • When you resume your exercise routine, be careful not to push yourself too hard. Instead, start small and work your way up. If you feel the necessary capacity in yourself, increase your exercise program for each exercise.
  • If you feel dizzy, stop exercising and make sure you hydrate. Take it easy for the first two weeks.
  • During this time, keep your head elevated with a pillow. Instead of sleeping on your side, sleep on your back for at least two weeks.
  • A circular massage of your face causes the auxiliary stitches to break. As you sleep, you can also use an elastic support sheet or a facelift mask to protect your face during the first two weeks of recovery.
  • Note that sitting or standing up suddenly after lying down can cause dizziness. Give yourself time. Take a minute to stand up, then stand up slowly.
  • Make sure you are steady and balanced before you walk. If you still feel dizzy, lie on your back
  • As your body heals, don’t be too hard on yourself and be patient.

All the issues discussed in this article regarding facelift aftercare will be provided by an experienced plastic surgeon at your consultation in Blue Angel Poly Clinic, the best plastic surgery clinic in Dubai for facelift surgery. Also, if you have any questions in this regard, you can ask the doctor and clear any doubts in this regard.

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