Endolift ???? The Best Non-invasive Skin Rejuvenation In Dubai ????
Blue Angel Poly Clinic
Endoliftlaser is one of the most recent skin rejuvenation approaches which is minimally invasive and the main goal of this laser procedure is remodeling the entire face. It can lift the skin and correct the excessive amount of fat that is accumulated on the lower third of the face. To reduce the lower eye skin laxity, Endolift laser is usable. In addition to facial rejuvenation, it also can be used for other areas of the body. If you are keen to fix sagging skin and restore the excessive fat on your face, but with no pain, scar, or downtime, this laser procedure is a perfect choice for you. To achieve the best possible results, visit Blue Angel Poly clinic, the best plastic surgery clinic in Dubai.
The advantage of having this treatment, compared to a surgical facelift, is that you have a much quicker recovery.
As Endolift laser is minimally invasive, there is no anesthesia. So, the patients will not be involved with an adverse reaction to the anesthesia.
This skin rejuvenation technique is safe and the results will be visible immediately after the procedure.
You can benefit from its long-term effect
No incisions during the laser
No or minimum downtime
what is Endolift laser used for?
Eyebrow lift
Even skin tone
Skin strength and elasticity
Remove excess fat
Rejuvenating and increasing self-confidence
Endolift treatment Before photo
Endolift treatment After photo
The Endolift is a laser-assisted treatment that the doctor uses a very fine optical fiber which is very thin and small that helps the best surgeon in Dubai to achieve two objectives; one is skin tightening and the other is fat melting. The treatment is quite quick. It lasts anything between half an hour to an hour.
To make the treatment not painful, the doctor is going to inject a local anesthetic which is ironically the most uncomfortable part. Once that is over the area is completely numb and you are comfortable. Therefore the actual treatment is not painful at all.
Intra-ocular shields are used to protect the eye from lasers. The doctor will put the optical fiber inside the skin to laser it from the inside to tighten up loose areas. You may feel pressure on your skin and that is because of the laser energy.
How does the laser work?
Endolift laser is a type of minimally invasive laser therapy that is performed to lift or elevate facial components. In this method, unlike lift surgery, there is no need for incision, anesthesia, stitches, and hospitalization. However, the effect of this treatment method is very similar to lift surgery and we will observe the improvement of sagging skin and the disappearance of wrinkles.
The device uses a laser with a wavelength of 1470 nm. This laser beam is a type of infrared light that you are probably familiar with. Regarding laser wavelength and other scientific points related to it, we have explained it a little earlier in a very simple way, we know that this wavelength has the greatest effect on the fluid and fats of the skin tissue. The main goal of this laser-assisted treatment is to melt the excess fat of the skin and tighten it as a result.
In endolift, unlike laser hair removal, the laser beam is not used locally and superficially. This laser is irradiated to deep tissues by using fibers as thick as a strand of hair (200 or 300 microns equivalent to 0.2 or 0.3 mm) that will send under the skin. The laser selectively breaks down fats and rearranges the protein skeleton of the tissue. When passing through the layers of the skin, the very thin microfiber focuses the laser beam on the deep tissues of the skin by directing the laser path to the desired location of the surgeon.
Endolift effects
With this laser-assisted treatment , it is possible to perform selective and controlled destruction in the deep or superficial parts of the skin, which causes the formation of a temporary network of fibroid tissue. When body tissue is damaged, fibrous connective tissue replaces it so that tissue repair is completed over time. The creation of fibroid tissue stimulates collagen formation and rearrangement of the skin skeleton, which rejuvenates the skin.
As we said, the selective destruction of the laser beam is the foundation and basis of Endolift . The laser produces the following effects without harming the surrounding tissues, cells, nerves, and blood vessels:
It destroys and removes fat from local tissues
The skin of the treated area is quickly tightened and lifted.
According to the production and rearrangement of collagen fibers at the treatment site, the effects of endolift remain long-term. The persistence of laser-assisted treatment is almost the same as the thread lift method (one of the lifting surgery methods), but it does not have its complications and risks. Also, the treated area continues to repair and improve for months after endolift. This means that the condition of the skin is getting better day by day.
How many treatment sessions should be done?
The number of treatment sessions you need depends on your skin condition. Regarding this matter, it is better to ask the opinion of the best endolift specialist in Dubai; But in most cases, one treatment session is enough. If the results need improvement, you can have another treatment session during the next year.
Endolift laser price
The cost of the treatment depends on several different factors that we have explained below. Things like the treatment location, the device used, the skill level of the dermatologist or best plastic surgeon in Dubai, geographic location, and related costs affect the final price of the procedure.
Factors affecting endolift cost:
The treatment area and amount of correction required:
The treatment area determines two things:
first, how long the treatment process takes, and second, how much we use disposable devices and products. The longer the treatment session and the more consumables are used, the higher the cost of endolift is. Also, the amount of skin aging and sagging is effective in the final price. When the severity of injuries and signs of skin aging is greater, the number of treatment sessions is higher and also the cost of the treatment will increase.
The level of skill and experience of the treatment team:
Endolift is a new method in the field of skin rejuvenation and cosmetic processes. In the case of new methods, the skill and experience of the best plastic surgeon in Dubai are of fundamental importance. Because the newer a treatment method is, the less research has been done on it and the less developed the techniques for using it.
Of course, the skill and experience of the specialist are very important in all treatment methods. It is interesting to know that experienced surgeons of the best plastic surgery in Dubai, use their special treatment techniques. Techniques that are the result of years of experience and hundreds of different treatments.
Endolift Recovery
The laser-assisted treatment will over less than an hour and then you can go back to your normal routine or back to work in no time. After the treatment, you may have a couple of days of swelling. You may have numbness as well for a couple of weeks which is very normal. But no visible sign and very unlikely to have any bruising.
As the result of Endolift laser, we have both immediate tightening and delayed progressive collagen production which improves the thickness of the skin. The result becomes better and better up to three months when we can see almost 60 percent of the results. After three months and up to a year the skin will continue to tighten and then will last for about two years.
As we said above the results last up to a couple of years. So fat melting is permanent unless you put on weight. But in terms of skin tightening it lasts for two years.
What areas can be treated by Endolift ?
There is a treatment zone that is decided according to the anatomical and stage of laxity that the patient will come with. Arguably wherever there is a skin you can use this technology; however, the most common areas to be treated are the laxity in the lower lid and festoon area which is between the cheek and the mallard area. And also cheek, smile lines, nasolabial folds, jowl, double chin, or excess fat and skin under the chin.
What are the side effects ?
The Endolift method has very few side effects due to its minimal invasiveness. There are no severe side effects, mild side effects are rarely seen, and most of the side effects are part of the natural process of healing and repairing the skin after treatment. In general, we bay experience serious side effects when Endolift is performed in unreliable centers. Slight swelling, redness, or bruising are among the natural side effects of this laser-assisted treatment , which disappear completely after a few days.
Best plastic surgery clinic in Dubai
To choose a specialist and the best plastic surgery clinic in Dubai to perform rejuvenation lasers such as Endolift laser, you should consider the followings. By considering the following features, you can choose a good surgeon in Dubai to perform this treatment:
High background and experience in endolift
The clinic where it operates should be clean and hygiene principles should be followed well
Respect the client as one of his moral principles
To have a lot of precision and elegance in providing cosmetic services
Blue Angel Poly Clinic , the best plastic surgery clinic in Dubai , offers valuable services to its clients.
Endolift Post-treatment
After treatment, medical care reduces the minor side effects of Endolift. These aftercare are :
It is better to postpone heavy activities and sports for a few days after procedure
Swelling, inflammation, and possible bruising may be experienced at the site of the operation; Finally, it will be fixed within two weeks.
Redness, mild swelling, or numbness are among the side effects that may be seen in some clients and disappear within a few hours.
When sleeping and resting, the head should be elevated.
It is possible to carry out daily activities immediately after Endolift
As the best plastic surgeon in Dubai said, you need to protect the skin from sunlight and environmental damage
Keep your skin constantly moisturized
Avoid smoking and alcohol for two weeks after Endolift
Not using blood thinners drugs such as aspirin
It is better to stay away from stress
Avoiding immobility. Be active to circulate more blood in the body
Clean the skin gently and wash the face
For a few days after treatment, stop using cosmetic products, especially products with high acidity.
Using ice, especially on the part of skin that is swollen or red.
Use of medications prescribed by the doctor
Endolift around the eyes and eyelids
Eliminating dimples, dark circles, and puffiness under the eyes, as well as removing drooping eyelids, is one of the important applications of the eyelid and eye endolift.
Since the device has had good results and few side effects, experts decided to use this approach for sensitive areas as well.
Lifting around the eyes with this method rejuvenates and tightens the skin, and because infrared rays are used, low hemoglobin is absorbed and does not harm the skin around the eyes.
Endolift in the area of the eyes is a modern and effective method of treatment that can be used for both men and women.