Rhinoplasty Cost In Dubai ️👃🏻 Blue Angel Poly Clinic ⭐


The first question of candidates for rhinoplasty is always about the price of the procedure; this sometimes affects their final decision. Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries that are performed to change the appearance and improve the function of the nose. In this article, we compare the rhinoplasty cost for different types of noses and rhinoplasty methods. Finally, we check the cost of the nose job in the best plastic surgery clinic in Dubai.

rhinoplasty cost


How to calculate the rhinoplasty cost in Dubai depends on several factors. In general, the cost of the nose job may include the following:

  1. Anesthetist fee
  2. Surgical facilities and equipment
  3. Plastic surgery clinic bill
  4. medical experiments
  5. The cost of clothing
  6. Prescription drugs after surgery
  7. Surgeon’s fee

The rhinoplasty cost is important for many patients, and since it may require planning and saving, the patient should be fully aware of its costs before the surgery.

Factors affecting the rhinoplasty cost

Features of the nose

One of the most important factors affecting the cost of rhinoplasty is the type of the patient’s nose. No two people can be found to have the same nasal features. Each type of nose comes with its challenges; Therefore, they also require different nose surgery. Big noses with thick skin, which have a weak cartilage structure, are more sensitive during surgery; Therefore, the workload of the best nose surgeon in Dubai to change the shape of these noses is more. For this reason, the rhinoplasty cost with thick skin is usually higher. Of course, nose surgery with very thin skin also has its challenges; Because the slightest change in these noses is visible.

The extent of nasal problems

The patient may have functional or breathing problems of the nose, such as nasal deviation, nasal polyps, or fractures, and the nose surgeon must fix these problems before performing nose cosmetic surgery and changing its appearance. Usually, in these patients, cosmetic surgery and nose treatment are performed at the same time, which affects the nose job cost.

Geographical location and equipment of the clinic

Where you intend to have rhinoplasty is also one of the factors affecting the rhinoplasty cost in Dubai. Usually, in big cities, surgery centers and hospitals have more advanced equipment and personnel with more skills and experience; This causes the cost of rhinoplasty to be relatively higher in a large and advanced city.

Rhinoplasty surgeon fee

Nothing is as important as expertise and experience in nose surgery; Because the nose is the organ that has the greatest impact on the beauty of the face and its surgery is highly sensitive. Performing nose surgery by unskilled or inexperienced people can cause irreparable respiratory and cosmetic complications for the patient. Therefore, entrusting nose surgery to an experienced, expert and highly skilled doctor is the most necessary action before any other work. In choosing the best nose surgeon never sacrifice quality to keep costs down.

Secondary rhinoplasty

It is possible that after the initial rhinoplasty, the defects of the nose have remained, or you may have new breathing problems, or you may not be satisfied with the changes in the appearance of your nose. In this case, revision surgery or reconstructive nose surgery can help you fulfill your expectations. Secondary rhinoplasty is highly sensitive; Because the nose has been operated on before this surgery and is in a vulnerable state. Also, the amount of changes in this surgery is limited. These conditions cause the reconstructive rhinoplasty cost to be higher than the original and primary rhinoplasty.


The type of anesthesia used for the operation also affects its price. In some rhinoplasty procedures, local anesthesia is used along with sedation to put the patient in a relaxed state, while in some other cases, the operation is performed on the patient under general anesthesia. In addition, you should add the cost of pre-operative diagnostic tests to it.

The laser rhinoplasty cost

Despite the recent advances in lasers and their wide applications, in various fields of medicine, laser rhinoplasty and correcting nose problems is not possible. Therefore, the advertisements in the field of laser nose surgery are not true, and therefore we cannot consider a fee for this operation.

Does the duration of rhinoplasty affect its cost?

The duration of surgery is directly related to the range of necessary changes in the nose. This means that the wider range of necessary changes in the surgical process, the longer the nose surgery time will be. On the other hand, in some cases, the nose surgeon, during the consultation session, if he feels the need, recommends some other cosmetic surgeries that can be performed simultaneously with the surgery. In the case of performing a combined surgical procedure, the duration of the surgical procedure will be longer. All these factors ultimately affect the rhinoplasty cost.

Does the surgical technique affect the rhinoplasty cost?

Rhinoplasty is performed with one of the two techniques of which are open and closed rhinoplasty. Choosing the right type of technique for each patient depends on the needs and complexity of the problems in the nose of each patient.  the best plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty in Dubai, during the consultation session, after performing a complete examination on the nose and diagnosing the problems in it, determines the appropriate technique and provides clear explanations about it to the patient.

Rhinoplasty is performed in a closed manner, without external incisions, and all corrections are performed through the nostrils and incisions made inside the nose. This treatment process is often used on noses that have a limited range of corrections.

In open rhinoplasty, the skin of the nose is removed by making an external incision. The purpose of this work is to gain more control over the internal framework of the nose. This process is used in cases where the range of corrections and changes needed in the patient’s nose is wide.

The time required to complete the surgical procedure under the open approach, compared to the closed approach is longer. The difference in the scope of corrections and the time spent on the treatment and the complexity of the process affect the rhinoplasty cost.

Does the insurance cover the cost of rhinoplasty?

If the purpose of rhinoplasty is to beautify and change the appearance of the nose, insurance companies will not pay for it, and the patient himself is required to pay all the costs of the nose plastic surgery.

In the end and response to the question, “what is the reasonable cost to pay for the nose job?”, it should be said that since the nose has a significant effect on the beauty of the face and any defect in its appearance can adversely affect the beauty of the face, the rhinoplasty cost should never be the criterion for choosing a plastic surgeon; Because the high or the low cost of rhinoplasty will never guarantee the desired result from the operation.

Of course, it should be noted that low-cost nose surgery is often performed by novice surgeons and residents; Although it cannot be said clearly that in these cases, the nose job will fail; it is obvious that the quality of the nose job result that is performed by an experienced surgeon is not the same as the result obtained by a less experienced surgeon or resident; There is a huge difference, and this is the reason that experienced and skilled surgeons at the best plastic surgery clinic in Dubai, charge high fees.

In the end, it is recommended that if you tend to have rhinoplasty, you should use your utmost care to choose the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Dubai. Note, the most important factor to consider when choosing a plastic surgeon, is his experience and skill, and you should not use the rhinoplasty cost as a criterion for choosing a surgeon.

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