Swelling after rhinoplasty 👃 The Best Ways To Reduce It


Swelling after rhinoplasty is a common side effect after surgery, which improves gradually and over a period of time. Rhinoplasty, which is popularly called nose job, is a cosmetic procedure that corrects and changes the shape of the nose to find more harmony with other parts of the face. Rhinoplasty is one of the most common procedures in plastic surgery. A misshapen or large nose can affect the beauty of other parts of the face. Correcting the nose to create more harmony with the rest of the face can have a tremendous effect on the appearance and raise the level of self-confidence of the person. In the rest of this article, the best nose surgeon in Dubai will talk about the duration of swelling after surgery and ways to reduce it.


Swelling after rhinoplasty


Ways to reduce swelling after rhinoplasty

  1. In order to reduce swelling of the nose after surgery, it is necessary to follow the points that we will mention in the rest of the article.
  2. The patient should rest for two full days after rhinoplasty.
  3. Do not be exposed to strong sun and heat lamps for two months because the heat increases the swelling.
  4. Avoid smoking cigarettes and hookah for two weeks after the surgery, because the nicotine in them increases the swelling after rhinoplasty.
  5. Avoid having sex for two weeks because it produces adrenaline and this substance increases swelling and bleeding.
  6. Drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids, this will reduce swelling after rhinoplasty.
  7. It is recommended to use a cold compress for two days (48 hours) after the surgery to reduce swelling of the nose. Avoid putting an ice pack on your forehead because it can cause headaches.
  8. Avoid heavy activities and avoid bending and lifting heavy objects for two weeks.
  9. Anti-inflammatory ointment and antibiotics will be prescribed if diagnosed by a doctor to reduce swelling.
  10. Consumption of celery juice and pineapple juice will help shorten the recovery period after surgery.
  11. It is recommended to avoid sleeping on your side and to sleep with your head up, so that you can put two pillows on the sides of your head so that it does not allow your head to rotate.
  12. Your nose should not be hit in any way, because the newly operated nose is flexible and the shape of the nose may change due to the blow.
  13. It should be noted that the faster the swelling heals after rhinoplasty, the faster and more favorable the final result will be. Therefore, you must follow every tip that the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Dubai gives you to reduce swelling swelling after rhinoplasty.
  14. By keeping the head elevated, it can help reduce swelling of the nose after surgery. Ice packs are also helpful in reducing swelling, especially in the first 48 hours after surgery, but should not be used for more than 10 to 15 minutes at a time. It is best to wrap the ice pack in a clean towel so that it is not placed directly on the skin.
  15. When using ice packs, be careful of stitches, splints or tapes on the nose. Also, drinking plenty of water and avoiding exercise or vigorous activity for the first few weeks after surgery will help reduce swelling. You can resume your normal life whenever you feel ready, but be careful not to push yourself too hard. Also, follow a nutrient-rich diet during treatment. Fruits like fresh pineapple can help the body to get rid of bruises faster. Try to avoid salty foods that increase swelling.

The best surgeon for rhinoplasty in Dubai prescribes various techniques to perform during and after the operation to help reduce nasal swelling and speed up the healing process, such as the use of platelet-rich plasma and steroid injections. Sometimes topical antibiotic ointment and vitamin injections, or sterile saline sprays are also prescribed to keep the nose hydrated.

How much nasal swelling is normal after surgery?

The amount of swelling after rhinoplasty depends on the amount of corrections made to change the shape and size of the nose. In the first few weeks after surgery, moderate swelling can be expected. The swelling will hide the new shape of the nose until it completely subsides, so don’t worry if your nose looks too big at first. This problem is also solved by improving the nose. Of course, if the swelling is high, contact your surgeon. swelling after rhinoplasty reaches its maximum within a few days after the nose job, so if on the third day, your nose swells more than on the first day, there is no reason to worry.

Is swelling of the tip of the nose normal?

Swelling of the tip of the nose after surgery is completely normal. The reason for this is that the skin and soft tissue of the tip of the nose is thick and subcutaneous and is firmly attached to the underlying cartilaginous structure. This causes the skin of the lower half of the nose to reach its final result later than the skin of the upper half. Many patients experience swelling around the bridge of the nose healing faster than swelling around the tip of the nose, as the tip is often the last part to heal completely. Most of the swelling after rhinoplasty should subside after a few weeks, but it takes a few months for the exact shape of the tip of the nose to appear.

Is facial swelling normal after nose surgery?

Yes. Swelling in the areas around the face can be expected after rhinoplasty. In the first few weeks after the surgery, bruising and puffiness around the eyes, cheeks and upper lip will occur, which, of course, will disappear within the first week. In almost half of the patients, within 7 days after the v, the bruise disappears completely. The amount of facial bruising and swelling after rhinoplasty depends on the complexity of the rhinoplasty and the individual’s characteristics.

What are the stages of swelling after rhinoplasty?

Although most of the swelling caused by nose surgery subsides within a few weeks, it usually becomes more severe on the third or fourth day immediately after the surgery. The recovery time is different in different patients, but in general, in most patients, after about three to four weeks, most of the swelling subsides, and the remaining small amount of swelling and sensitivity disappears in about three months.

The thicker the skin, the longer it takes for the final result to manifest. For this reason, patients with thick skin will see the result of their nose job after approximately 18 months instead of 9-12 months.

Swelling of the tip of the nose will be more common in people who have had a more complex procedure to change the internal and external shape of their nose. It usually takes a year for the nose to be in its final position.

Recovery stages of swelling after rhinoplasty

Day of rhinoplasty

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and you can return home the same day. You can use ice packs to reduce swelling after rhinoplasty. If necessary, the use of topical ointments is recommended according to the doctor’s instructions. Also, if necessary, nasal drops are recommended for use at intervals prescribed by the best plastic surgeon in Dubai. The night after the surgery and until the swelling subsides, it is better to sleep upright on the chair so that your head is in a higher position than the body.

One week after nose surgery

Splints and sutures are removed if they are non-absorbable. At this stage, there is still some swelling, but there will be no problem breathing through the nose. Bruises in the area of ​​the nose and eyes gradually turn green or yellow. If there is pain, you can easily control it with over-the-counter pain relievers.

Two weeks after rhinoplasty

At this point, you will see a significant reduction in post-operative swelling and any bruising will likely disappear. As the swelling after rhinoplasty decreases, the new shape of the nose becomes more obvious and recognizable.

3 to 4 weeks after surgery

Almost all symptoms disappear and you can resume your sports activities. As the swelling continues to decrease, the shape of your nose will be defined. In three weeks after the nose surgery, the patient can see the final result. In one month to six weeks, you should see a doctor at the best plastic surgery clinic in Dubai to check your nose.

Six weeks after rhinoplasty

Since the bone structure is now stabilized, you can start almost heavy sports training and wear glasses if you wish.

One year after rhinoplasty

The healing process is complete. The cartilage in its new location has adapted to the new shape of the nose. All the swelling after rhinoplasty of the nose has completely subsided and the tip of the nose has become finer.

Relationship between nutrition and control of postoperative nasal edema

Nutrition after nose surgery has a direct effect on swelling after rhinoplasty. The first 24 hours after surgery is the most important recovery period. You should be careful about what you eat so that the side effects of the consumed foods do not have an adverse effect on the results of your nose.

The first week

During the first 7 days after rhinoplasty, eat foods that are easy to chew. Good examples include mashed potatoes, soup, yogurt, and eggs.

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids during this time. Don’t forget that food is another source of hydration for the body. Fruits such as watermelon and strawberries are good sources of hydration. The reason for the doctor’s recommendation to avoid hard foods and include soft foods in the diet during the first 7 days after nose surgery is to prevent pressure on the nose and reduce swelling.

Two weeks after nose surgery

During the second week of recovery, many people resume their normal diet. Different people react differently to resuming a normal diet. If you feel pressure on your nose while chewing hard foods, continue following a soft diet for a few more days. Pressure increases nasal swelling

How long does nasal swelling last after surgery?

Most of the swelling subsides in the first month after surgery, and about ninety percent of it subsides in the first three months. Of course, it takes 12 to 18 months to see the full result.

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